Introduction: Radio Arduino Simple


Ok, before to introduce this project, i want to apologize for my English, my native language is French...

Secondly, this is my first Instructable, and it's the first part of a biggest project (a MP3/SD card/USB/radio/bluetooth/clock/alarmclock/temperature/humidity on TFT touchscreen 3.5")

So, I was searching for a tutorial to create a simple Radio with Arduino... And all what I found was very complex sketches for a very simple result, and I didn't find any tutorials to use it with a TFT and UTFT library.

I decide to create a tutorial for noobs like me which are searching for it.

First , The goods :

- Arduino MEGA2560 compatible (ready for the next steps of the project)

- 2.2" TFT ILI9225 controller

- TEA5767 breakout board

- 1 button

- 1 resistor 10k

- 1 step up module (from battery 3.7v to 5v)

- 1 battery (here i took a battery from an old tablet 3.7v, 6000mAh)

- Speakers (i used old computer speaker with integrated amplifier for the test)

- Wires and breadboard

- Arduino IDE for the sketch

Step 1: Let's Go for Wiring

Please be cautious, and wire the battery only when everything is finished !

TFT 2.2"

VCC : +5v


SDI : D51

CLK : D52

CS : D22

RST : D30

RS : D24


VCC : +5v


SCL : 21(SCL)

SDA : 20(SDA)


Resistor 10k on ground

Don't forget to link the GND wires from TFT and TEA5767 with Arduino GND

Step 2: How Does It Work ?

Remember I said a simple radio !

I should say VERY simple !

I'm using only the same 10 stations, then, I'm not interrested in a radio which scans all the frequencies, is very complicated to use,...

Here, in the sketch you write the different frequencies you want, and the button just changes the stations.

I think I can't make more simple :-)

The libraries :

You'll need 4 libraries :

Wire.h (included in IDE)

TEA5767Radio.h (

EEPROM.h (included in IDE)

UTFT.h (

Change the frequencies for the different stations, and the names of the stations.

When your sketch is uploaded, connect the battery by VIN, don't forget to check output voltage on the stepup module.

To charge the battery, you can use this :

I hope you will enjoy it !

And I'll make other instructables with the different parts of the projet (waiting for goods)

